DEARTH: Scarcity - a dearth of news, brought about by censorship. Antonyms: plethora, abundance.
DEFERENCE: Submitting to the wishes or judgment of another - yielded out of deference to the old man. Synonyms: respect, complaisance, veneration. Antonym recalcitrance.
DEITY: A god -The sun was a deity to ancient peoples. Synonym: divinity.
DELECTABLE: Very pleasing - a delectable meal, tastefully prepared. DELETE: To erase or cancel, take out or remove - deletedan offensive phrase. Synonyms: expunge, censor, efface, eradicate.
DELINEATE: To sketch or portray - striking features, delineated by a master artist.
DELINQUENT (noun): An offender - found to be a delinquent by the court. (adj.): Failing to fulfill an obligation - too many people who are delinquent in meeting their civic duties. Synonym: derelict.
DELUGE: A great flood; downpour - a spring deluge which caused the river to overflow.
DEMAGOGUE: A leader who tries to stir the passions of people for his own purposes - the mob roused by an unprincipled demagogue.
DEMEANOR: Behavior; bearing - carrying himself with a proud demeanor. Synonyms: deportment, mien.
DEMURE: Affectedly or falsely modest or prim; serious demure as a Victorian maiden. Synonyms: sedate, staid, decorous, prudish, coy. Antonyms: immodest, frivolous.
DENOUNCE (noun: DENUNCIATION): To speak against - denounced by the press as a traitor. Synonyms: stigmatize, censure, reprehend, castigate- Antonyms: laud, eulogize.
DEPLETE: To empty or to use up - depleted the public treasury by vast building programs. Synonyms: exhaust, drain. Antonyms: replenish; (adj.) replete.
DEPLORE: To express sorrow or grief over - a lamentable situation deplored by all parties. Synonyms: lament, decry, grieve.
DEPRAVED: Of low morals; corrupt - a depraved mind, devising evil. Synonyms: debased, wicked, vicious, perverted.
DEPRECATE: To plead or argue against a certain course of action - deprecated the proposal severely. Synonyms: remonstrate, protest, decry, expostulate. Antonym: sanction.
DEPRECIATE: To belittle or speak slightingly of - depreciated John's acting ability. Synonyms: disparage, derogate (adj. derogatory). Antonyms: enhance, magnify, extol, laud, eulogize.
DEVASTATION: Widespread ruin - the city left in utter devastation by war. Synonyms: destruction, desolation.
DEVIOUS: ((1) Winding; indirect - took a devious, rather than the direct way home. Synonym: circuitous. (2) Straying from the right course - used devious means to attain his wicked ends. Synonyms: crooked, erring.
DEVOID: Lacking in; not possessing - a speech devoid of even a trace of ill-will. Synonym: destitute. Antonyms: abounding, prevalent.
DEVOUT: Devoted to religious observances - devout in his regularity of attendance at worship. Synonyms: pious, religious. Antonym impious.
DICTUM: Art authoritative statement; a saying-an imperial dictum demanding instant compliance.
DIDACTIC: Designed to teach, imparting a lesson - a poem with a didactic purpose. Synonym: pedagogical.
DIFFIDENT: Lacking in self-confidence- too diffident to lead a group. Synonyms: shy, timid, reserved, reticent, retiring. Antonyms: forward, aggressive.
DILEMMA: A situation calling for a choice between two equally difficult alternatives; hence, a difficult or perplexing situation - faced with a dilemma defying solution. Synonyms: predicament, quandary, plight.
DILETTANTE: One who dabbles in the fine arts for amusement only and without concentrated study - a doctor by profession, a dilettante in art. Synonyms: amateur, connoisseur.
DISCONCERT: To confuse; to embarrass - disconcerted by his suspicious stare. Synonyms: perturb, discomfit, discompose, abash, disquiet, fluster.
DISCONSOLATE: Depressed; without hope or possibility of consolation - made disconsolate by abject poverty. Synonyms: inconsolable, dejected. Antonyms: blithesome, carefree.
DISCOURSE: To converse or talk; to discuss - discoursed at length on the rise of political parties. DISCRETE: Separate - two discrete issues, totally unrelated.
DISCURSIVE: Rambling from one subject to another - a discursive letter, covering many topics. Synonyms: desultory, digressive.
DISPARITY (adj.: DISPARATE): Inequality; difference in image, quantity, character, or rank - great disparity between promise and performance.
DISPASSIONATE: Free from feeling or partiality - coldly dispassionate as the chairman of the meeting. Synonyms: palm, impartial. Antonym partial.
DISPATCH (verb): To do speedily; to send off - dispatched with remarkable promptness. Synonym: expedite. (noun): A speedy performance; the sending off of something - done with all possible dispatch. Synonyms: celerity, alacrity.
DISPEL: To drive away; to scatter - dispelled a doubt that had lingered. Synonyms: dissipate, disperse, diffuse.
DISSENT (noun: DISSENSION): To disagree; to differ in opinion - He dissented violently, rejecting compromise.
DISSOLUTE: Living loosely; unrestrained in conduct or morals - his life wasted by dissolute conduct. Synonyms: debauched, dissipated, profligate.
DISTRAUGHT: Mentally distressed; distracted - distraught by trials and tribulations. Synonym: harassed.
DIVERSE: (verb: DIVERSIFY; noun: DIVISIBILITY): Varied; different - two diverse characters; one candid, the other insincere. Synonym: multifarious.
DIVERTING: Entertaining - a diverting one of the most amusing I've ever seen.
DIVULGE: To make public or reveal - refused to divulge his source of information. Synonyms: disclose, impart.
DOGMATIC: Positive in expressing an opinion; asserting an opinion as though it were an undisputed fact - spoken dogmatically, as if the speaker considered himself infallible. Synonyms: overbearing, opinionated, peremptory, dictatorial.
DOLOROUS: Sorrowful; mournful - a dolorous song full of sorrow for past joys. Synonyms: doleful, lugubrious, grievous. Antonyms: jocund, blithe, mirthful.
DYNAMIC: Forceful - possessed dynamic energy, tireless and powerful. Synonym: energetic. Antonyms: static, inert, dormant, torpid, sluggish, quiescent.
Please leave a comment IF you like the entry. It's like visiting a place where there is a guest book by the front door. Before you exit, you sign it to leave a note about your experience of the place.I know that people are visiting by virtue of site meter, but almost no one leaves a comment.If you are in a hurry (and who isn't these days?), just leave a "thanks".Thanks
DEFERENCE: Submitting to the wishes or judgment of another - yielded out of deference to the old man. Synonyms: respect, complaisance, veneration. Antonym recalcitrance.
DEITY: A god -The sun was a deity to ancient peoples. Synonym: divinity.
DELECTABLE: Very pleasing - a delectable meal, tastefully prepared. DELETE: To erase or cancel, take out or remove - deletedan offensive phrase. Synonyms: expunge, censor, efface, eradicate.
DELINEATE: To sketch or portray - striking features, delineated by a master artist.
DELINQUENT (noun): An offender - found to be a delinquent by the court. (adj.): Failing to fulfill an obligation - too many people who are delinquent in meeting their civic duties. Synonym: derelict.
DELUGE: A great flood; downpour - a spring deluge which caused the river to overflow.
DEMAGOGUE: A leader who tries to stir the passions of people for his own purposes - the mob roused by an unprincipled demagogue.
DEMEANOR: Behavior; bearing - carrying himself with a proud demeanor. Synonyms: deportment, mien.
DEMURE: Affectedly or falsely modest or prim; serious demure as a Victorian maiden. Synonyms: sedate, staid, decorous, prudish, coy. Antonyms: immodest, frivolous.
DENOUNCE (noun: DENUNCIATION): To speak against - denounced by the press as a traitor. Synonyms: stigmatize, censure, reprehend, castigate- Antonyms: laud, eulogize.
DEPLETE: To empty or to use up - depleted the public treasury by vast building programs. Synonyms: exhaust, drain. Antonyms: replenish; (adj.) replete.
DEPLORE: To express sorrow or grief over - a lamentable situation deplored by all parties. Synonyms: lament, decry, grieve.
DEPRAVED: Of low morals; corrupt - a depraved mind, devising evil. Synonyms: debased, wicked, vicious, perverted.
DEPRECATE: To plead or argue against a certain course of action - deprecated the proposal severely. Synonyms: remonstrate, protest, decry, expostulate. Antonym: sanction.
DEPRECIATE: To belittle or speak slightingly of - depreciated John's acting ability. Synonyms: disparage, derogate (adj. derogatory). Antonyms: enhance, magnify, extol, laud, eulogize.
DEVASTATION: Widespread ruin - the city left in utter devastation by war. Synonyms: destruction, desolation.
DEVIOUS: ((1) Winding; indirect - took a devious, rather than the direct way home. Synonym: circuitous. (2) Straying from the right course - used devious means to attain his wicked ends. Synonyms: crooked, erring.
DEVOID: Lacking in; not possessing - a speech devoid of even a trace of ill-will. Synonym: destitute. Antonyms: abounding, prevalent.
DEVOUT: Devoted to religious observances - devout in his regularity of attendance at worship. Synonyms: pious, religious. Antonym impious.
DICTUM: Art authoritative statement; a saying-an imperial dictum demanding instant compliance.
DIDACTIC: Designed to teach, imparting a lesson - a poem with a didactic purpose. Synonym: pedagogical.
DIFFIDENT: Lacking in self-confidence- too diffident to lead a group. Synonyms: shy, timid, reserved, reticent, retiring. Antonyms: forward, aggressive.
DILEMMA: A situation calling for a choice between two equally difficult alternatives; hence, a difficult or perplexing situation - faced with a dilemma defying solution. Synonyms: predicament, quandary, plight.
DILETTANTE: One who dabbles in the fine arts for amusement only and without concentrated study - a doctor by profession, a dilettante in art. Synonyms: amateur, connoisseur.
DISCONCERT: To confuse; to embarrass - disconcerted by his suspicious stare. Synonyms: perturb, discomfit, discompose, abash, disquiet, fluster.
DISCONSOLATE: Depressed; without hope or possibility of consolation - made disconsolate by abject poverty. Synonyms: inconsolable, dejected. Antonyms: blithesome, carefree.
DISCOURSE: To converse or talk; to discuss - discoursed at length on the rise of political parties. DISCRETE: Separate - two discrete issues, totally unrelated.
DISCURSIVE: Rambling from one subject to another - a discursive letter, covering many topics. Synonyms: desultory, digressive.
DISPARITY (adj.: DISPARATE): Inequality; difference in image, quantity, character, or rank - great disparity between promise and performance.
DISPASSIONATE: Free from feeling or partiality - coldly dispassionate as the chairman of the meeting. Synonyms: palm, impartial. Antonym partial.
DISPATCH (verb): To do speedily; to send off - dispatched with remarkable promptness. Synonym: expedite. (noun): A speedy performance; the sending off of something - done with all possible dispatch. Synonyms: celerity, alacrity.
DISPEL: To drive away; to scatter - dispelled a doubt that had lingered. Synonyms: dissipate, disperse, diffuse.
DISSENT (noun: DISSENSION): To disagree; to differ in opinion - He dissented violently, rejecting compromise.
DISSOLUTE: Living loosely; unrestrained in conduct or morals - his life wasted by dissolute conduct. Synonyms: debauched, dissipated, profligate.
DISTRAUGHT: Mentally distressed; distracted - distraught by trials and tribulations. Synonym: harassed.
DIVERSE: (verb: DIVERSIFY; noun: DIVISIBILITY): Varied; different - two diverse characters; one candid, the other insincere. Synonym: multifarious.
DIVERTING: Entertaining - a diverting one of the most amusing I've ever seen.
DIVULGE: To make public or reveal - refused to divulge his source of information. Synonyms: disclose, impart.
DOGMATIC: Positive in expressing an opinion; asserting an opinion as though it were an undisputed fact - spoken dogmatically, as if the speaker considered himself infallible. Synonyms: overbearing, opinionated, peremptory, dictatorial.
DOLOROUS: Sorrowful; mournful - a dolorous song full of sorrow for past joys. Synonyms: doleful, lugubrious, grievous. Antonyms: jocund, blithe, mirthful.
DYNAMIC: Forceful - possessed dynamic energy, tireless and powerful. Synonym: energetic. Antonyms: static, inert, dormant, torpid, sluggish, quiescent.
Please leave a comment IF you like the entry. It's like visiting a place where there is a guest book by the front door. Before you exit, you sign it to leave a note about your experience of the place.I know that people are visiting by virtue of site meter, but almost no one leaves a comment.If you are in a hurry (and who isn't these days?), just leave a "thanks".Thanks